Berkshire personnel can evaluate site data to determine the most effective means of remediation for a specific site.
Using data acquired from site investigations as well as an understanding of the property uses, client requirements, and any applicable regulatory requirements, Berkshire personnel can evaluate site data to determine the most effective means of remediation for a specific site. Remedial technologies are employed for contaminant capture, contaminant removal, and contaminant migration control in order to achieve concentrations of contaminants of concern that are below regulatory limits.
Based on a detailed analysis of the contaminant source and plume areas, available remedial technologies, and a cost-benefit analysis, Berkshire can design remedial programs that are specific to each site.
Remedial options evaluated by Berkshire include:
Our SOQ describes our credentials, services, and projects relating to environmental consulting and remediation. Download SOQ.
We have been certified by the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) in the state of Connecticut. Download Certificate.
Treating groundwater during well development activities for an industrial client.
Designing and implementing a groundwater dewatering and treatment system to facilitate the construction of a police station.
Installing a free product recovery system following the discovery of a #2 fuel oil release for a municipal school district.
Constructing and installing a soil vapor extraction system at this active dry cleaners located in southwestern Connecticut