A wide range of our completed environmental consulting and remediation projects.
Performing a Phase I Site Assessment of active horse farm consisting of two parcels of land totaling over 275 acres.
Performing a Phase I Site Assessment on an abandoned industrial complex of an active industrial facility that manufactured plastic coatings.
Performing a Phase I Site Assessment of active dairy farm consisting of multiple parcels totaling over 300 acres.
Performing a Phase I Site Assessment on an abandoned industrial complex of two parcels of land with four separate buildings.
Collecting soil and groundwater samples as a part of a Phase II Environmental Investigation.
Installing fourteen (14) thirty-foot deep injection wells as part of a rainwater re-injection system.
Collecting soil samples and delineate petroleum-impacts following a residential release of home heating oil.
Collecting soil and groundwater samples as part of a soil disposal and groundwater treatment characterization investigation.
Collecting soil samples to delineate petroleum-impacts in a residential basement following a release of home heating oil.
Collecting soil and groundwater samples as a part of a Phase II Environmental Investigation at gasoline and vehicle repair facility.
Coordinating the excavation, transportation and disposal of urban fill and CT-regulated soil.
Coordinating the excavation, transportation and disposal of over 30,000 tons of urban fill and CT-regulated soil.
Coordinating the excavation, transportation & disposal of PCB-Impacted Soil in compliance with the EPA and CT DEP.
Coordinating the excavation, transportation and disposal of urban fill and CT-regulated soil.
Preparing a response to a Notice of Violation resulting from improper storage of hazardous waste.
Assisting the owner of a parcel of land containing various 55-gallon drums and a pile of casting sand with hazardous concentrations of lead.
Performing stormwater sample collection and developing a stormwater treatment option.
Assisting in health & safety oversight at this coal-fired power plant.
Providing consulting services relative to excavation of an un-permitted solid waste disposal area.
Preparing a renewal application for operation of a Volume Reduction Plant for processing clean wood.
Conducting remedial activities for soil and groundwater remediation and preparing and submitting applications to the CT DEEP.
Preparing applications to the CT DEEP UST Petroleum Clean-Up Fund for costs associated with investigation and remedial actions.
Constructing and installing a soil vapor extraction system at this active dry cleaners located in southwestern Connecticut
Designing and implementing a groundwater dewatering and treatment system to facilitate the construction of a police station.
Treating groundwater during well development activities for an industrial client.
Installing a free product recovery system following the discovery of a #2 fuel oil release for a municipal school district.
Operating a soil vapor extraction system at this industrial facility located in Long Island, New York
Retrofitting an existing remediation system and monitoring well network.
Designing, fabricating and installing a proprietary media injection system in Massachusetts.
Installing all components associated with a free product recovery and soil vapor extraction system.
Identifying the degree & extent of the subsurface impacts and coordinating the excavation and disposal of impacted-soil.
Retrofitting and restarting an existing dual phase extraction recovery system at this industrial facility.
Assisting in the application of a proprietary beach restoration process.
Assisting in the application of a proprietary beach restoration process.
Operating a groundwater treatment and recirculation system.
Designing, installing and operating an air sparge / SVE system.
Obtaining storm water samples review, analytical results and complete required regulatory filings associated with a storm water general permit.
Obtaining storm water samples review, analytical results and complete required regulatory filings associated with a storm water general permit.
Overseeing the removal of a heating fuel UST at a bank-owned commercial property and to delineate the degree and extent of subsurface impacts.
Performing Phase I and Phase II Site Assessments at a former municipal solid waste disposal area.
Performing Phase I and Phase II Site Assessments at an active lumber yard complex of four parcels of land with five separate buildings.
Evaluating the status of historical petroleum releases from former underground storage tanks and historic maintenance facility operations.
Evaluating the potential for an undocumented heating fuel UST at a residential property.
Evaluating the status of an industrial property relative to the Connecticut Transfer Act.
Designing, fabricating, and operating a potassium permanganate (KMnO4) injection system to remediation chlorinated solvent impacts.
Injecting HRC® to an existing fourteen (14) point injection well network.
Installing monitoring and injection wells at this active retail center.
Designing, fabricating, and operating a potassium permanganate (KMnO4) injection system to remediation chlorinated solvent impacts.
Designing, fabricating, and operating a potassium permanganate (KMnO4) injection system to remediate chlorinated solvent impacts.
Designing, fabricating, and operating a potassium permanganate (KMnO4) injection system to remediation chlorinated solvent impacts.
Injecting HRC® advanced at this active industrial facility.
Designing, fabricating, and operating a sodium permanganate (NaMnO4) injection system to remediation chlorinated solvent impacts.
Operating a catalyzed sodium persulfate injection system.
Designing, fabricating and operating a lactic acid injection system to remediate chlorinated solvent impacts.
Reviewing existing environmental reports and advising on additional necessary investigation and remedial activities.
Reviewing and overseeing investigation and remedial activities conducted by a former property owner.
Overseeing a 10,000-gallon heating oil UST removal at a municipal building.
Overseeing UST removal and delineate the boundaries of impacted soil at a former paint factory.
Providing oversight for the removal of a residential #2 fuel oil tank.
Providing documentation and closure soil sampling for the decommissioning of a retail gasoline station.